PERSONALITY plus STYLE equals PERSONAL STYLE. Establishing your personal style is very tricky since you have to know what type of personality you have. Take a look of yourself, check out your clothes, including your shoes and accessories, and see if these pieces reflect YOU.Are you a conservative type who wears a blanket from head-to-toe? Or a girl who always wants pinks, laces and bows all the way? Or a vintage-modern fashionista in stiletto? Whatever your personality is, make sure that it flatters your body and you are comfortable wearing them. Otherwise, you will be a mockery for others. Think: Don't dress to impress because it might go the other way around.
If you'll ask me what's my personal style, it would be from casual-classic to modern-vintage. I am obsessed with one-of-a kind patterns and eye-catching bold colors. I'm also into staple pieces because it gives me more flexibility to mix and match without looking too over the top.
Anyways, I got this dress from a thrift store two months ago..I love how the egyptian images and the bold lines create an eye-popping one-of-a kind vintage pattern.

Originally, the length of this dress is up to my ankle but my inclination to shorten the dress arises on the day that I am about to attend a yearly work activity outside the office. So there, I grabbed a blunt pair of scissors and help myself cut the hem. Thank God, although the hem is a little bit jagged, the fabric's thread is still intact.Then I pair it with a black pumps and a statement geometric earrings.
Dress - thrifted
Earrings - SM Accessories
Shoes - Korean
Photos: Sam
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